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Torrey Pines State Beach
Photo by Luis Peraza

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Report Details:
Report Date: 2/21/2017 8:10 AM
Report Number: 00151111
Service Notification Number: 150000838852
Report Category Pothole
Report Type: Pothole
Address: rancho Carmel drive
Description:I am writing to you about the stretch of Rancho Carmel Drive between the Park and Ride south of the Ted Williams to it's intersection with Carmel Mountain Drive is ONE. BIG. POTHOLE. I have actually skidded sideways after bounving through a few of these large, 4-5 inch deep ruts. This isn't really a pothole I am referring to that needs fixing... it's the whole road that needs fixing. Please consider re-paving this stretch as it is actually dangerous. I see that one of the traffic signs along the side is tipped over. Possibly hit by a car that bounced out of the pothole rut, lost control and hit the sign. Imagine how horrible this would be if it had been a pedestrian walking along the sidewalk there. SAFETY HAZARD.
Images: 0 uploaded
Date Closed: August 4, 2017