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Torrey Pines State Beach
Photo by Luis Peraza

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Report Details:
Report Date: 2/21/2017 10:13 AM
Report Number: 00151198
This report has been referred to Park and Recreation at
Report Category Illegal Dumping
Report Type: Illegal Dumping
Address: 830 Johnson Avenue, San Diego, CA, United States
Description:I understand that my neighbor, Andy Lange, has already submitted a request. I too, would like to echo his request. The canyon between Johnson Ave and Hayes Ave, between 163 and 10th Ave in Hillcrest/University Heights has several abandoned homeless camps and there is a lot of trash which is creating a sanitation issue. Besides being an eyesore and hygienically unsafe, there is also a downstream pollution problem we need to address with all of this rain. I understand there may be a jurisdiction issue – some is the responsibility of the city and come the responsibility of Caltrans. I’d appreciate your assistance in moving Andy Lange’s request (submitted via a 'Get It Done' report via the city's website) forward. Please note, we have been advised by the police department to not take this matter of clean up into our own hands so we are dependent nf Caltrans, the City of San Diego to assist. Thank you, Amy Waterman
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