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Torrey Pines State Beach
Photo by Luis Peraza

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Report Details:
Report Date: 11/20/2019 9:22 PM
Report Number: 02800400
This report has been referred to SDG&E at
Report Category Sidewalk
Report Type: Sidewalk Repair Issue
Address: 3660 Paul Jones Ave, San Diego, CA 92117, USA
Description:Recently our neighborhood streets have undergone a lot of construction where the power lines have been moved underground. The workers have had to break ground on the property and outside our property. When the cement was broken on our property the workers filled the ground with dirt and we were informed that cement would be poured on top to replace the walkway so it wasn’t just dirt. It has been a few weeks since the workers moved on to other parts of the neighborhood and our property still has the big dirt pit in the main walkway. With the recent rain the dirt pit had turned into quicksand and become quite difficult to get out of if accidentally stepped in. It is becoming more dangerous to avoid as it is in the center of our main walkway and there are dogs and well as children on the property. Hoping to find some assistance in getting the broken cement / dirt pit filled so that it returns to its normal status prior to the construction work. Thank you for you Assistance.
Images: 3 uploaded
Date Referred: November 21, 2019
Customer Provided: